
How to trap a Gopher

Gophers are rodents found in most American Midwestern States that nestles underneath the ground. These pests usually dig their own passageways to have a place to hide. On the other hand, clues to their whereabouts are easily spotted due to the mounds of dirt they have tilled and carelessly leave behind. These gopher mounds are the first signs you should look for if you want to catch one.

What to keep an eye on
It would be helpful to put more attention on newly dug out mounds rather than an already existing tunnel. A new mound often guarantees there is something going on right there.

What else to bring?
Looking for a tunnel for one may require you to use a peg made of wood that measures about 2 feet. Make sure to bring along a shovel and wear a good pair of gloves while placing the trap. A gopher trap can be any of these;

• A cylinder made of plastic that resembles a tunnel. This type of device is loaded with spring that serves as its mechanism for trapping a gopher.
• Wooden or Plastic Box. This type of trap is also used for catching squirrels, rats and moles. Once the gopher comes inside the box, a wire bar clasps around it, which basically works with a spring mechanism.
• The Macabee. This type of trap comes with claw-like mechanism or prongs that crushes the gopher when it steps on it.

What to do next
The most crucial part of all is placing any of these traps. You will need some wire or cable to hold the traps firmly in place. Keep in mind that new holes and gopher activities are usually common during daytime or as soon as the morning come. If you found a burrow, you should take with you a piece of sturdy cardboard box to temporarily shield the hole from any light coming from outside.

• Excavate down deeper until you reach the main passageway
• Clear everything to easily catch the animal at both ends
• Secure the traps in place using a cable wire
• Put some baits near the trap (e.g. leaves, prunes, seeds)
• Place the cardboard box on top of the hole as you wait

Final thoughts
Whenever you find a new hole, you need to plot strategically. You might need more than one trap just in case it doesn’t work or the gopher suddenly goes the other way. Remember, using a trap could instantly kill the animal. Calling a wildlife removal expert is more effective when faced with this problem.

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